Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"Oh, how is that working out for you?"

"Oh, how is that working out for you?"

As I reflect on Thanksgiving and anticipate the Christmas season, my heart is full.  I am so thankful for the amazing things in my life and how I have been blessed.  I sometimes ask myself "what did I do to deserve all I have?"  A stunningly beautiful, caring, passionate and ultimately loving wife.  Two ornery, yet innocent and equally as passionate daughters.  A fantastic support system in our families, and a lifestyle of serving others through our teaching professions.  I truly am a blessed man.

One then might ask...

  • "If you are so blessed, why are you doing this Advocare thing?" or
  • "Do you really think that your "pyramid scheme" is going to work?" (imagine this being said in a   sarcastic voice :) or my favorite...
  • "Oh, how is that working out for you?"  
My answers...

  • It is what I do!  I am serving others, changing lives and helping my family.  Why wouldn't I do it? 
  • Yes, my direct selling business (not pyramid scheme) is set up for short term and long term success (if interested in what I mean, Click Here for a humorous yet purposeful outlook on network marketing).  
  • "Oh, how is that working for you?"  It is working.  Period.

Okay, sure Chad... easy to put on the blog at 9:53 at night.  Prove it, why do you say it is working?

Glad you asked...

    1. I live a healthier lifestyle through Advocare.  What do I mean by healthy?  I am physically healthier.  I lost 25 lbs. in 24 days and nearly a year later I still feel amazing.  The products work.  I don't drink coffee, completely kicked the soda habit and am a much healthier eater due to these world class products.  I am mentally and emotionally healthier.  With physical health comes an improved state of mind along with body.  Do I still experience stress?  YES!  Am I better prepared to deal with this stress?  ABSOLUTELY!  Advocare has helped me understand and prepare for the challenges I will face.  Lastly, I am financially healthier.  Through Advocare I have taken control of my finances and have shifted my focus for preparing for the future.  I am excited to see where the future leads us.
    2. My family is healthier.  Lindsey, Gracie and Annie not only benefit from a healthier husband and father, but they are also seeing the benefits of the world class products themselves.  Purple Champs and Pro-Biotics for the kids.  Plenty of Spark, Omegas, CorePlex and Catalyst for Lindsey.  My brother has lost 31 pounds and looks and feels like a new person and my parents are as healthy as they have been in the last 15 years.  Yeah, my family is healthier :)    
    3. Advocare is providing a Plan B income for my family.  I am not looking to get rich quick or have others make me tons of money.  I am working a proven, successful system to help and serve others and be paid now and for years to come.   As we continue to invest time and energy in this company I know that I am creating opportunities and blessings for my family and others in the future. 
My mindset is one of belief and empowerment.  In a day and age of gloom and doom, I am being decisive about my future and am acting upon this decision daily.  My highest call as a leader is to serve others.  I am excited to share this opportunity with others and hope you ask... "Oh, how is that working out for you?"

Monday, September 17, 2012

When I checked my phone after a long day at work and an email came through about the call below, I thought "Oh, great. Another LATE night call?!"  And trust me, those of you who have to wake at 5am to get yourself and your kiddos out the door know what I mean when I say that 11pm seems way too LATE to be up listening to some guy talk about AdvoCare! 

But as I sat down to delete the email, I clicked on the link instead, just to see what tonight's call was going to be about and as I began to read I decided I not only needed to stay up and listen, but perhaps some of you might need to listen too. 

In the midst of chaos, confusion, and questions about life and purpose, we all have moments where others stand in the gap for us. Our family has recently experienced unexpected heartache, pain, and frustration and it has allowed me to, once again, realize how much my family really matters to me. But like most of us, I get caught up in the day-to-day and often cannot be there when unexpected times of life occur. Today's email reminded me that AdvoCare will be the opportunity that allows me to BE THERE in the near future as life happens in this family. 

Tonight's call features Wayne Johnson, who is just like many of us - a hard working man ( a 6-figure-income-earning IT consultant in-fact) with no time, no energy and no true plan for financial & time freedom. Nine years ago he grabbed the part-time AdvoCare income opportunity and now earns over $90,000/mo.

Tonight he will share exactly how to earn an extra $1,000 - $5,000/mo in the next 90 days part time. 

Whatever the reason you have read this far on my latest post, here are a few reasons that might motivate you to pick up the phone and just listen tonight. 

  • You don't have any time? 
  • You need debt freedom? 
  • You are one of the 82% of the people that hate what they do? 
  • You have bigger dreams that can't be reached at the current rate? 
  • You want to take all-expense paid vacations? 
  • Daycare raising the kids? 
  • You need to cover the mortgage payment? 
  • You need to cover the car payment? 
  • You want to be at home? 

You do not have to talk..you will be on a listen only line. 

In fact...if you don't like what you are hearing...simply hang Up!

There's nothing to lose  . . . but there's possibly much to be gained. 

So I guess the only thing left to ask yourself is will you BE THERE?

If you do choose to listen and have questions or want more info about what you hear, you know where to find us and we're here for you anytime! 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fish oils...

Every person should be taking Omega 3 Fatty Acids.  See why Dr. Oz recommends our product over all the others.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Timing is everything . . .

I'm learning a LOT about timing right now. Some lessons are harder than others. But I'm learning it's all about timing. Tomorrow will be the time for some of you. 

Monday, August 13, 2012

A sense of urgency

Sometimes the opportunities before us are there at just the right time, for just the right reasons. Sometimes the opportunities put before us are ones we didn't even realize we needed to take advantage of in the first place. Sometimes opportunities pass us by if we are too apprehensive to make a decision one way or the other. 

I am someone who walks that fine line between indecision and taking the time to seek wisdom. I want to be sure that I am making the right choice, the best choice, the wisest choice. However, in my desire to do "the right thing" I often waste time and have consequently missed some valuable opportunities to grow and change. Thankfully I have a spouse, and an Advocare team, who pushes me to be better, to act with confidence and to look forward with a decisive heart. It's hard to be pushed and pulled outside my comfort zone, but I am learning it's a worthwhile process. Growth, discomfort, change, it all comes whether we embrace it or not.  It's not easy, but I'm starting to realize that each moment I spend in indecision is a moment wasted. 

As a I look ahead to another school year, leaving my children with our amazing sitter, and pouring more of me into others, I'm anxious, apprehensive, and excited at the same time. I know that the school year ahead is full of potential and full of opportunities to grow. My purpose is clear. My passion is strong. So I look forward with a decided heart, an urgency to move with intensity, passion, and purpose.                                  ~Linds

It's time to Carpe Diem . . . 

Jeremiah 29:11 - 13

Thursday, July 19, 2012

We can't wait to share with you! 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

a note on Success

As we prepare to head to our first Advocare Success School I began to contemplate the meaning of success. In my experience, the definition of success is seemingly subjective in today's world. Some define success in financial terms. Some by the number of items they can cross off a to-do list. Others by the attention and notoriety they gain from others. It seems that success means different things to different people.

In our business success means freedom; the freedom to spend  time and money the way we desire, to spend time and money on the things that matter most. Countless families across the United States will gather this weekend to share their stories of success and to encourage others, like us, to keep dreaming big, to become successful in our own right. 

Whether you're a believer in Advocare or a skeptic of all that we stand for, we encourage you to consider what dreams you have, what success means for you, and decide if you have the desire to believe in your dreams, begin working to achieve them, and become the person you were created to be . . .

Success is... 
knowing your purpose in life,
growing to reach your maximum potential, and
sowing seeds that benefit others.” 
- John Maxwell

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Join us in COSHOCTON JULY 12 @ 7pm

We are excited to share what we've found.
There is no pressure to buy, but we want you to come and listen,
decide if we have something for you! 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

We're almost up and running online and we are ready and willing to coach you up if you're willing to commit to making changes, little or large, and becoming a champion!