Thursday, July 19, 2012

We can't wait to share with you! 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

a note on Success

As we prepare to head to our first Advocare Success School I began to contemplate the meaning of success. In my experience, the definition of success is seemingly subjective in today's world. Some define success in financial terms. Some by the number of items they can cross off a to-do list. Others by the attention and notoriety they gain from others. It seems that success means different things to different people.

In our business success means freedom; the freedom to spend  time and money the way we desire, to spend time and money on the things that matter most. Countless families across the United States will gather this weekend to share their stories of success and to encourage others, like us, to keep dreaming big, to become successful in our own right. 

Whether you're a believer in Advocare or a skeptic of all that we stand for, we encourage you to consider what dreams you have, what success means for you, and decide if you have the desire to believe in your dreams, begin working to achieve them, and become the person you were created to be . . .

Success is... 
knowing your purpose in life,
growing to reach your maximum potential, and
sowing seeds that benefit others.” 
- John Maxwell

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Join us in COSHOCTON JULY 12 @ 7pm

We are excited to share what we've found.
There is no pressure to buy, but we want you to come and listen,
decide if we have something for you!